Sunday, February 10, 2013

Bells of Hope

My snowdrops, Galanthus nivalis, have poked their little heads up out of the damp soil and are just beginning to bloom. Like diminutive bells, these sweet bulbs are the first blooms in my garden each year. I eagerly await their show, even if it is in miniature, as the flower stalks are only about 4 inches tall. These tiny bulbs seem to withstand the tortures of wet and frozen soil year after year, and they will even poke their little heads above the snow if need be. Truly, they are to be considered stalwarts in anyone’s garden.

Like faithful friends, when they pop their petite heads up and bloom, they remind me spring is just around the corner. Even if that corner is weeks away. Moreover, these little guys signal hope for the new growing season ahead. In their simplicity, they make me smile. Anything that gives one hope and makes them smile is to be treasured.

Snowdrops remind me that hope comes in many sizes. It is up to us to take notice and be aware of the hope, which lingers around us, and may rest at our very feet.

Hanging Out photo courtesy of freebird4