As we look ahead, next week marks the official start to summer. When summer rolls around, everywhere I go there seems to be a chaotic intensity. School is out, the roads are full of people going hither, thither, and yon, the grocery stores full of, well full of everyone, and everyone is in a hurry. Time to unwind into summer.
Warmer weather works us into a frothing frenzy of going here, going there, doing this, and doing that. Summer is the peak of busy. For me, I will continue to focus on simplicity. Remember my word for the year? It’s easy to let myself get tied up in knots trying to do everything I want to do or need to do. If I find myself momentarily tied up in knots, simplicity will allow me to relax, slow down, and unwind those knots. By unwinding the knots, I will allow myself to embrace summer, and unwind into it. By unwinding into summer, I am able to enjoy the simplicity of each moment. Whatever I am doing, I am doing it as if there is nothing else more important for it is the priority. Will you be one of those people I see going hither, thither, and yon? Or, will you be untying those knots and unwind with me into summer?
Knots photo courtesy of Gurmit Singh