Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ending a Year of Intentional Thinking

Cairn: A mound of stones built as a memorial.
2012 was my year of intentional thinking. I set intention on a roll by focusing on a different intention each month. If you have followed this path with me, you will know we have improved our lives twelve times over. Here is the year in review:

I Intend…
* We sometimes forget about where we have been when looking at what we still have not done.

While I end the year of intentional thinking, intentions have become a reliable way of moving forward for me. Intentions are my choice and provide a more balanced approach to my life as I consider where I have been this year. Because there are always going to be those things we still have not done, let us all celebrate where we have been as we look forward to the year ahead.

Twelve photo courtesy of  Mrs Logic
* Thanks Viv for reminding me of this every now and then